
Animated Short 2014

Resumé is an animated short based on the poem by Dorothy Parker.

Sous-titré en français (cliquez sur CC). Subtitled in English (click on 'CC').

Resumé was a bit of a labour of love; it was over a year after I first started working on it that it was finally finished. Dorothy Parker is a big hero of mine, quite apart from the acid tongue for which she's best known, she was full of the most fantastic contradictions. Hopelessly cynical yet a hopeless romantic, profoundly nihilistic yet passionately political, appalled by the world yet incapable of leaving it. Resumé is how I imagine her, half-pissed, sneering wearily at life but unable to prevent herself from raising a smile.

The film was selected for 'Ciné Poème Festival' in France and 'The International Poetry Film festival' in Greece.

Without the help of Liam D. Brooks it might never have got finished and without the help of many public domain archives it would never have got started. Below is a list of all those that helped.

The two clips used in the film are from 'Sunrise' by F. W. Murnau (1927) and The Great Train Robbery by Edwin S. Porter (1903).

The Dorothy Parker Society

The Internet Archive

The Public Domain Review

David Rumsey Map Collection

Wikimedia Commons

Wellcome Images

  • Client - n/a
  • Date Completed - October 2014
  • Directed by - Tim Bentley
  • Music by - Liam D. Brooks
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